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We all know the old saying, “The way to your dog’s heart is through her stomach.” Well maybe the old saying doesn’t exactly go like this, but we sometimes undoubtedly love sharing snacks with our four-legged friends. While we love making our pups happy by showering them with treats, do remember that some foods are safe for humans to eat but may be toxic and potentially deadly for dogs. On the other hand, many human foods are perfectly safe and even healthy for dogs to eat as an occasional treat.

Check out 12 of the healthiest human foods you can enjoy with your dog! (However, always be sure to check with your veterinarian first before introducing new food to your dog.)


Peanut butter is a healthy and safe treat for dogs to eat in moderate amounts. This food is rich in protein, healthy fats, niacin, vitamin B, and vitamin E. However, it is best to limit your dog’s peanut butter intake since peanut butter is high in calories. If fed too much, too often, it may lead to weight gain. Also, make sure to feed your dog plain, unsalted peanut butter as salt and artificial sweeteners, particularly xylitol, are harmful to your dog.

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Both raw and cooked carrots are safe for your dog to eat. They’ll give your pooch a dose of vitamin A, beta-carotene, and fiber, plus they’re low in calories, which makes them a great choice treats for overweight dogs. Chewing raw carrots is also beneficial for your dog’s teeth


Cheese can be an excellent treat for your dog as long as he’s not lactose intolerant. Cheese is high in protein and calcium and is easy to digest. Most dogs love cheese. Make sure to give cheese to your dog in small quantities and monitor your dog’s reaction. Opt for low or reduced fat varieties and don’t overfeed. Mozzarella, cheddar, and cottage cheese are usually good choices for your hungry hound.


Yogurt is full of protein, calcium and digestive cultures, and is an excellent way to improve your pup’s digestive health. Make sure to feed your dog plain yogurt without artificial sweeteners and any other added flavors. As with cheese, lactose intolerant dogs should stay away from this dairy-based snack.

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Blueberries are filled with disease-fighting antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all of which may benefit your dog’s health. Moreover, blueberries are low in calories and small in size, which makes them the perfect training treats, and you can even freeze them for a cold treat in hot weather. Your pup can also safely enjoy strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries—in moderation, of course.


Chicken can be slipped into the bowl along with your dog’s regular food to add spice and extra protein to its diet. The trick is to make sure that it’s plain: no sauces, seasonings, marinades, etc. And you should always remove chicken from the bone before feeding it to your dog. Other meats like pork, rabbit, lamb, and duck are okay for dogs to eat too. However, you should never feed your dog processed meat such as bacon, sausage, pepperoni or any other kinds of deli meats. Try our Freeze Dried Chicken Treats Exclusively Amazon


Salmon is high in protein and filled with omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for your dog’s coat and skin health, as well as supporting your dog’s immune system. However, you should avoid feeding raw salmon to your dog. It may contain a parasite that is known to cause salmon poisoning disease, which can be fatal. Try our 100% Pure, Natural Wild Pacific Salmon Dehydrated Treats Exclusively on Amazon

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This food is an excellent source of vitamin A and fiber. Canned pumpkin or fresh, cooked pumpkin with no added sugars and spices is a great choice for dogs with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues. Avoid pumpkin pie filling, as it is filled with added sugar and spices.


Cooked plain sweet potatoes are a wonderful addition to your dog’s diet and are loaded with fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamins B-6 and C. You can add them to your dog’s regular food or feed them as an occasional treat to help your pup’s digestive system.


Apples provide a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Also, they are high in fiber, which may benefit your dog’s digestive system. Make sure to cut the fruit into slices and avoid feeding your dog the whole apple. Keep stems, pits, and seeds away from your pooch.

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11. EGGS

One medium egg provides some of almost every vitamin and mineral, plus lots of protein. Adding eggs to your pup’s diet is a great way to give him a protein boost. Avoid feeding raw eggs as they carry the risk of Salmonella.


As long as your dog isn’t sensitive to grains, plain oatmeal is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Oatmeal is also easily digestible, so it can be suitable for dogs with tummy problems. Remember to cook oatmeal before serving it to your dog, and do not add salt, sugar, or any other extra ingredients that could be harmful to your dog.

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